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Security Operations Center

Stay one step ahead of threats with our SOC

The SOC is responsible for detecting, analyzing and responding to security incidents, thus ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the company's systems and data 24 hours a day.

Complete service to protect your business from cyber threats. With a highly qualified team and a comprehensive approach, we are ready to offer you the peace of mind and security you need to focus on growing your business.


The SOC's activities and responsibilities fall into three general categories:

Preparation, planning and prevention

Monitoring, detection and response

Recovery, refinement and compliance


Benefits for your company

Real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring is critical to a SOC as it helps identify and respond to early-stage security incidents, reduce response time, mitigate damage, perform forensic analysis, and comply with regulatory requirements. Without this continuous monitoring, an organization would be more vulnerable to cyber threats and potential security breaches with significant consequences.

Incident Visibility

The SOC service brings centralized visibility into incidents across the entire network, with advancing technology, cloud computing, IoT devices, and the transition to remote work, having centralized visibility ensures you always have complete oversight and information about your network and possible attack vectors.

Reduced cybersecurity costs

Investing in SOC adds cost savings in different ways. For example: it reduces the financial impact of remediating a data breach. In addition, it enables your team to be more responsive and precise in the actions taken, that is, it is a technological investment that strongly translates into less expenses that will only harm your budget.

Systems integration

A SOC aids in systems integration by centralizing and consolidating security information from multiple sources. This enables a comprehensive view of security activities, early threat detection, coordinated incident response, and automation of common security tasks. Integrating systems into a SOC is critical to improving an organization's efficiency, effectiveness, and overall security posture.

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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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