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Porque conhecimento é fundamental

Na International IT acreditamos que um treinamento personalizado e baseado no que sua empresa realmente precisa, faz a diferença entre uma boa e uma excelente força de trabalho.​

Oferecemos cursos customizados para necessidades especificas de TI (Monitoramento de Redes, Segurança, ITIL, Scrum, Projetos, etc).

Invista em um treinamento que atenda às suas necessidades e ao seu orçamento. 


WhatsUp Gold Trainings

Learn to proactively monitor and give instant visibility to the status of your network environment. Monitor the health of Wi-Fi, cloud servers, virtual machines, applications, and more.

Image by Compare Fibre

Next-Gen Firewall Training

Find out all about the next generation firewalls (NGFWs) that guarantee the inspection of all bytes of each packet while maintaining the high performance and low latency required by high performance networks.

OPSWAT Trainings 

Learn about the advanced digital threat prevention platform. Security and protection solutions for critical infrastructures.

Image by heylagostechie

Know the advantages for your company.

Suitable environment for training 

We have a virtual environment enabled with all the tools necessary for your learning.

Qualified professionals

Trust the know-how of our team formed by highly specialized professionals, with practical experience of network and security.

Best cost-benefit

Reduce your internal costs with our high value-added training.

Para um atendimento personalizado, entre em contato com um especialista ou solicite um orçamento gratuito

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

A tecnologia está em nosso DNA

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