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Network Operations Center

Cuidamos da sua TI, para você focar em seus negócios!

Se a TI não é o seu principal negócio, por que você deveria administrá-la?

Deixe que nossa equipe especializada cuide disso para você 24 horas por dia. Acelere sua gestão de incidentes, melhore o monitoramento da sua infraestrutura e reduza seu tempo de parada (downtime).


Know the advantages for your company.

Complete structure, implemented and tested

Our infrastructure has high availability, cutting-edge hardware and award-winning software / solutions on the market. 

Availability 24x7

Operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Have resources dedicated to monitoring your critical IT infrastructure.

Best cost-benefit

Implementing and maintaining a fixed structure within your company can be very expensive. Our high value-added NOC helps you to reduce internal costs.



  • 24x7x365 monitoring

  • Focus on critical applications and business indicators

  • Identification and management of incidents and problems

  • Unified view of the business IT process

  • Customer access to monitoring and incident solutions

  • Monthly book and financial impact analysis

  • N1, N2 and N3 support for your IT and business operation


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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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